Hangzhou | Street Photography in Hangzhou | 杭州

  Inspiring Hangzhou (杭州市) Street’s Photography by YuKo  

Hangzhou (杭州市), the capital of China’s Zhejiang province, is the southern terminus of the ancient Grand Canal waterway, which originates in Beijing. Its West Lake, celebrated by poets and artists since the 9th century, encompasses islands (reachable by boat), temples, pavilions, gardens and arched bridges. On its south bank is 5-story Leifeng Pagoda, a modern reconstruction of a structure built in 975 A.D. 

杭州是中国浙江省的省会,是发源于北京的古代大运河水道的南端。 它的西湖自 9 世纪以来就受到诗人和艺术家的颂扬,包括岛屿(可乘船抵达)、寺庙、亭台楼阁、花园和拱桥。 它的南岸是 5 层雷峰塔,这是一座建于公元 975 年的建筑的现代重建。 
